Publications: Tomatoes
This collection of documents from University Extension offices nationwide provides information on and examples of preserving tomatoes. Note that some documents only refer to using a boiling water canner (aka water bath canner), but you may also use an atmospheric steam canner to can high acid foods such as fruits, pickled products, as well as jams and jellies.
Research on food preservation is ongoing – recommendations may have changed since the release of some documents. Please refer to the National Center for Home Food Preservation for the most current recommendations.
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- Acidifying Pressure Canned Tomatoes, Clemson University Cooperative Extension
- Advice about Vinegar, Penn State University Extension, Articles, 2020
- Canned Fruits and Tomatoes: Problems and Solutions, Oregon State University Extension Service, SP 50-743, 2017
- Canning Acidic Foods: Fruits & Tomatoes, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cooperative Extension Service, FNH-00562C, 2017
- Canning Crushed Tomatoes Using a Boiling Water Canner, University of Minnesota Extension, 2018
- Ingredients Used in Home Food Preservation, Penn State University Extension, Code EE0164, 2019
- Canning and Freezing: Tomatoes, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, PM 638, 2011
- Canning and Freezing Tomatoes and Making Salsa, North Dakota State University Extension Service, FN 175, 2019
- Canning Fruits, Tomatoes and Vegetables, Cornell University, Division of Nutrional Sciences, 2001
- Canning Tomatoes Do's and Don'ts, Penn State University Extension, Articles, 2019
- Canning Your Tomato Harvest, Penn State University Extension, Articles, 2018
- Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products, Colorado State University Extension, Fact Sheet 9.341, 2012
- Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products, Pacific Northwest Extension, PNW 300, 2015
- Complete Guide to Home Canning: Guide 3, Selecting, Preparing and Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products, United States Department of Agriculture, 2015
- Tomatoes, Penn State University Extension, Code UK120, 2019
- Canning Tomatoes and Salsas, Washington State University Clark County Extension
- Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products, University of Georgia Extension, 2015
- Preserving Tomato Products, Clemson University Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet HGIC 3360, 2020
- Preserving Tomato Sauces & Ketchup, Clemson University Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet HGIC 3340, 1999
- Preserving Tomatoes, Clemson University Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet HGIC 3320, 1999
- Processing Fruit and Tomato Products in a Pressure Canner, Montana State University Extension, MT200906HR, 2017
- Tomatoes, Oregon State University Extension Service, SP 50-920, 2015
- Tomatoes, Purdue University Extension, HHS-803-W, 2015
- Tips on Tomatoes, Utah State University Extension, Publication FN/Weber/2007-02, 2007
- Tomato Basics, Clemson University Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet HGIC 3539, 2005
- Tomatoes, Utah State University Extension, Publication FN/Harvest/2005-04pr, 2010
- Tomatoes, Kansas State Research and Extension, MF 1185, 2015
- Tomatoes: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy, University of California Ag and Natural Resources, Publication 8116, 2004
- Tomatoes: Tart & Tasty, University of Wisconsin Extension Cooperative Extension, B2605, 2009
- Why Add Lemon Juice to Tomatoes and Salsa Before Canning?, North Dakota State University Extension Service, FN 1396, 2018
- Canning Salsa, Penn State University Extension, Code Art-5510, 2020
- Canning Salsa, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, HS 21, 2014
- Canning Salsa in a Boiling Water Canner, Utah State University Cooperative Extension, Publication FN/FoodSafety/2008-01, 2008
- Canning Salsa Safely, University of Wisconsin Extension Cooperative Extension, B3570, 2008
- Prepare and Preserve Homemade Salsa, Penn State University Extension, Articles, 2015
- Salsa!, North Dakota State University Extension Service, FN 584, 2015
- Let's Preserve Salsa, North Dakota State University Extension Service, FN 1492, 2015
- Salsa Recipes for Canning, Pacific Northwest Extension, PNW395, 2014
- Sassy Safe Salsa at Home, Kansas State Research and Extension, MF 3171, 2014
- Sensational Salsas, University of Georgia Extension, 2011
- The Laws of Salsa, Oregon State University Extension Service